ROW80 Goals–Round 3

I can’t believe we’re already heading into Round 3. We’re also fully into summer. School ended last week, and I have weeks stretched out in front of me needing to be filled. I’m limping along, trying to get some summer work, and if I’m not careful I’ll paralze myself with shoulds and wishes and end the summer stressed out and with nothing to show for the time spent.

Summer used to be one of my favorite times of year, second only to fall. It was my time to reset and reinvent myself. I always filled my summers with goals for exercise and better eating and writing and projects. And it kept me engaged and in motion, and I need that right now. Substitute teaching has ended, I don’t have solid summer work, and I don’t know if I’ll have a teaching job in the fall or if I’ll have to move on to some other work. This all feels like things that are out of my control, so I need a few things that are in my control.

I’ve been feeling pulled to return to my coaching work. I love working with writers and creatives and helping them move forward and keep moving toward their goals. I put it on hold when I moved to a new house and then immediately heard that my office was closing and decided to renew my teaching license and jump into substituting. All of that has kept me busy, but I really miss doing the coaching work and teaching creative writing and doing all of that fun stuff.

So my goals for Round 3 are going to be a combination getting MuseCraft up and running again and continuing with my personal writing practice.  I need to make sure the foundation for MC is sturdy and then start building up the blog and some offerings (see, just like that picture up there–a foundation and then one thing and then the next stacked up).  And I need to keep doing writing practice because my brain and my heart both need that, plus my writing is better when I practice.

Round 3 Goals

  • Write copy for a new landing page
  • Write new “about” copy
  • Work on essays for the new non-fiction book that has bloomed in my mind; get at least five of them done this round
  • After the landing and about pages are done, start blog posts at least once a week
  • Continue writing practice at least three times a week