I want my writing life to be cozy. I don’t entirely (or really even a little bit) know how that would look in my world. But I want it.
I have some other, more measurable goals, too. Maybe best to talk about those while I try to figure out that cozy thing.
- Finish my NaNoWriMo 2019 story (I think I’m really close to an ending on my rough draft at least)
- Edit and share my NaNoWriMo 2019 story with my writing group. I’ll do this a few pages at a time and take them to the meetings (we meet twice a month)
- Have something to share at writing group at most if not all meetings (most = 80%, so I could skip sharing 5 times during the year)
- Do writing practice at least twice a week while I’m mostly focusing on finishing and editing my story
These are longer term goals, I think, not just for ROW80 Round 1, but I don’t have a specific ending date. Or maybe I do. I’d like to have this story finished (and named!) and first pass edits done by September. That way I can spend some time planning and getting ready for this year’s NaNo.
That’s it. I’m trying to have goals but not have them so tight that I don’t have breathing room. This feels like where I want to be–doing some writing practice, working on a story, going to writing group. And going to the day-long writing retreats when I can. It feels like a good writing life. Now to figure out that cozy part.
Excellent goals! Having the bit of social pressure by making sure to have something to share at writing group was such a huge help/push for me, I hope it works as well for you!
Thanks, Shannon! I admit, I do best with some outside pressure and accountability, so I think this is going to be really good.
Great goals!! I think it’s good to give yourself breathing room, too. I know I can’t give myself too much of that, though, or I let myself put things aside.
Yes! There has to be a balance. Not too restrictive, but not so much space that it always feels like doing it some other time is a fine option.